Downtown Nampa construction scheduled for late March

NAMPA — A four-month rebuild of Second Street and Third Street in downtown Nampa is set to begin in late March, but the city is taking steps to limit the impact of the construction before the project begins.
Project managers gave new information at an open house Wednesday night at the Nampa Public Library, including how the construction will be staggered and how residents will access downtown businesses during construction.
The contractor, Idaho Materials and Construction, signed a contract for the project Feb. 21. Construction is set to begin in late March and end sometime in July, according to Nampa project manager Clemente Salinas.
Salinas said Idaho Materials and Construction plans to rebuild the north side of Second and Third streets simultaneously, then move on to the south side of both streets after the first part is complete. He said one lane of traffic will always be operational, so drivers will still be able to travel through downtown.
Pedestrians will still be able to access downtown, as well, through crossings at 14th Avenue South, and at the ends of each side of the construction at 12th Avenue South and at 16th Avenue South. However, Salinas said drivers will not be able to use the intersection at 14th Avenue at any point during construction.
To make up for about 45 parallel parking spots that offered free two-hour parking, which will not be available during construction, Salinas said free two-hour parking will be available in the Stampede Lot along Second Street behind Darlene's Printing. The downtown parking garage will also be available, although Salinas said the Nampa Development Corporation did not extend free parking in the garage to two hours during construction.
Several downtown business owners showed concern about how the project will impact their businesses while the construction was ongoing at an earlier meeting last month. In response, the city is making an effort to encourage locals to visit downtown despite the construction.
Stephanie Borders with consulting firm HDR said the city will launch a "cash mob" during the project, with a how-to campaign scheduled to begin before construction starts. In the cash mob, residents will be encouraged to visit a certain type of business, such as an antique shop or restaurant, each week through the Visit Nampa app. Residents who visit those businesses and post about their experience during that week will then be entered into a drawing to with a downtown gift card valued between $25 and $50.
Then, once the Nampa Farmers Market begins April 28, the city will have a downtown booth where visitors can get information about the local businesses and learn about any promotions that are going on. Borders encouraged business owners to provide them with their own promotional material to distribute, even if it was just a business card.