News — Hogwarts-like abandoned West Virginia school
Hogwarts-like abandoned West Virginia school purchased by students to revitalize town
Hogwarts-like abandoned West Virginia school

Hogwarts-like abandoned West Virginia school purchased by students to revitalize town Twitter followers had a field day when the 100-year-old school with a Hogwarts feel was listed for sale. The 1982 Foundation raised $1 million to buy it and turn it into a model for revitalizing small rural towns. GRANTSVILLE, W.Va., Oct. 7, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Followers of the "Best of Zillow" Twitter account went wild when 100-year-old Calhoun High School was listed for sale in Grantsville, West Virginia earlier this year. The abandoned building's Harry Potteresque structure was fodder for Twitter users speculating about potential occupants and uses, human...